Hollywood is getting ready to finally film the sequel to
The Last Starfighter! It's nearly 25 years later and Alex Rogan is a disgruntled Starfighter having battled General Xur all these years, who escaped the great and final battle against Alex, Grig, and the Rylans. Alex's co-pilot Grig is long gone and Centauri (a CGI-resurrected Robert Preston) is still out there, recruiting new starfighters with his video game. Alex and his wife Maggie return home to Earth to raise their children among humanity when they find out Centauri has been taken hostage by Xur! The horror! A final battle will ensue and the fate of the galaxy rests on Alex's shoulders!

Universal Pictures is looking for extras to play Rylan citizens (see left). Short, overgrown hair is a must, as is an ability to laugh at oneself (see example below). Please, no prima donnas and those with crew cuts need not apply. Just call our casting office in Atlanta, Georgia, and ask for Heather!

(By the way, I love my Ty-man, and am thankful that he won't kill me for posting this picture and my apologies for anyone who thinks this
Last Starfighter sequel is real!)
Please see the 10 Easy Steps to Becoming a Super Geek post. I believe writing a fake sequel for The Last Starfighter is number 11!!
hilarious! i think that might be a good look for your Ty-man! :) Too funny! :)
Okay. How sad is it that I got excited that they were making a sequel? Off to find a bag to put over my head in shame...
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