Bastards launched the Challenger almost 22 years ago, knowing the Morton Thiokol-manufactured o-rings were defective in freezing temperatures, yet won't launch Atlantis because a hydrogen fuel gauge is on the blink. Kick the friggin' thing, for chrissakes! Pussies...
So, what do supergeeks do when a shuttle launch is canceled? Well, you hook up with the wife's blogger buddies while the husband mumbles under his breath, "Probably serial killers, internet sex freaks. Can't believe we're doing this. Mumble, mumble, mumble." Well, I told him to get over it and we hooked up with Adam and Britt of Avitable and Miss Britt fame. And what a lunch it was! Adam was pretty quiet, taking it all in, sucking down Diet Coke as if his life depended on it (He was probably worried that either Ty-man or I might attack him with a fork and hold him for ransom. Shuh!) and Britt and I gabbed on about kids, motherhood, politics, abortion, baby names, and such (Whew! Forehead-swipe!), with Ty-man interjecting from time to time. We found out what they do for a living (Adam tortures Britt on a daily basis), that Adam has a dog named Jigsaw, and that Britt left a few drool spots on my iPhone (still trying to get those off). It was a fun hour and a half and ended all too soon. And, yes, Ty-man quite enjoyed himself.
Adam, you're a trip even when you're quiet and Britt, you looked great, hon, despite lack of makeup or what you were wearing. Thank you both for the hook up and hope we can do it again someday!
Oh, and? Want to see their versions of the lunch? Click here and here.
I knew your husband thought we were going to kidnap you or something!
I thought of you last night when the news was on "will they or won't they launch".
So glad to hear you had a nice launch, I mean lunch.
I am sorry that today I was not able to keep up with Adam's Diet Coke consumption...
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