Why do I do this to myself?
I received a ton of books for Christmas and want to read them all, including four books by favorite authors that will be coming out throughout the year...
So, OK, nobody gave me the Wonder Woman comics. I bought those for myself. Bite me!
Then there's my cross-stitch projects. The current one is a primitive-art-looking bunny for my aunt in Virginia (Aunt Sue, if you're reading this, act surprised!)...
She likes bunnies. What can I say?
Then, of course, I'm six months behind in the scrapbooking of pictures. I'm caught up to July, 2007. Past that, it's spread out on my desk...
Twins' 2nd birthday, Halloween, Christmas, general summer and fall pics, Thanksgiving....
And, of course, there's my poor, neglected, hammered dulcimer. A dulcimer I taught myself how to play. A dulcimer I played two years running at the Vandalia Gathering in WV, a dulcimer played at Ian's and Vonda's wedding, a dulcimer I want to play again so that JB and his new 5-string banjo can jam with me...
Any smart-ass Deliverance comments from the peanut gallery will be summarily smacked!
And lest we forget, I have these three wonderful kids to take care of and love...
Seriously, Bubba made that face on his own (last pic). No, Kristi! I'm not teaching him bad habits!
And there's the Ty-man who needs love and attention and SEX (more than once in a blue moon)!
Poor, long-suffering, Ty-man. Hey, wait, I need some of that drink you're having!
Let's not forget about those precious hours of sleep we all know, love and desperately need...

(No, that's not me. I don't look that pretty when I sleep. There's a lot more drool and the mouth is open and... oh, never mind.)
And finally, if I could get said sleep, I'd like to get back to doing some of this...

(OK! Enough already! I know I could never be Steve Prefontaine! First, I don't have a penis Thank God and B - no matter how many 3-milers I slog through, I could never be this dedicated. Pffthpffth!)
Sheesh. Too friggin' much! I need more time for my birthday! That's what I want...
I want Professor Stephen Hawking to fly in to Georgia, from England, on his magic wheelchair, and say in his cute, computer-generated voice...
Heather, I have built for you a time machine. Use it wisely.
Wisely meaning, Use it to finish all your craft projects, tune your dulcimer, play with your children, fornicate with your husband, and go running!
Yeah, Happy Birthday to Me!
I always knew Prof. Hawking liked me...
Happy Birthday, from another 30-something coal miner's grand-daughter with no free time.... hey, is there a club we can join?
Really enjoyed your origami comment on my blog!
By the way, I'd say read all the books anyway. I was an avid reader as a child and now I guess I write books instead!
By the way, I just called Steve (Hawking) and his answering machine said he's on his way to your place ....
When's your birthday? Today?
Those Meltzer comics are okay - Identity Crisis was good but his Justice League run was meh. If you ever need recommendations for good new trades to get, let me know.
Happy Birthday!
Damn! You ruined the surprise. That's exactly what I got you for your birthday. It's on backorder though, so who knows when it'll get here. ;-)
Happy Birthday! If you happen to find that time machine, let me know.
Could I borrow your time machine, please? I swear I'd just need it for a week. Or two. Maybe three. But that's all - I swear!
Happy Birthday! Are Ty-man and the kiddos going to do something special for you?
And if you can pull off even half of that list of stuff, YOU are Wonder Woman.
It's your birthday? Damn it, if you were still on FB I would have known. Happy Birthday!
The really cool thing about having met you and the Ty-Man? Is that when you talk about the two of you having sex I can totally picture it.
Happy birthday!! I vote for some quality time with Ken Follett, after some fornication.
Oh, man, I feel so horrible! It's not my birthday, but thanks to everyone for wishing one for me! I've a special post all ready for my February 6th birthday. Sorry for leading you all down the wrong path!
Just cruised in from David's place. Happy Birthday! Enjoy some slowdown!
kimber - Sweet! I think we should start a club. Maybe we get together, drink ourselves silly, and talk about sexy coal miners? Hm?
David - Heck, yeah, I'll read all of them. In fact "I Am Legend" just went into the finished pile last night. On to Edward VI! Thanks for the heads up on Steve!
Avitable - February 6th. Thanks for the comic assist!
Jen - You're too sweet.
Teri - You're cool. My bee-otch getting me a time machine.
Just a Girl - Supposedly, Teri's getting me one. I'll share!
Miss Britt - You can borrow it as much as you need!
B - I work on each thing a little each night. Even getting one line of stitching done is more than I had done before!
Fab - If you picture our sex acts, give me bigger bewbies.
Gypsy - Taken into consideration!
I'm still holding out for a teleportation device or 4. I figure if I could take out all the travel time, I could get a lot more done. :)
And I have your birthday on my calendar, so I'm not telling you happy birthday today.
OK, I'm with you on everything except the scrapbooking and the cross stitching, but I have to add in a full time job too! I know how you feel.
well then Happy UN-Birthday!
You actually got books for Christmas! Damn you and all the time you have for yourself!
Finished one book already? That's a huge effort. I doff my cap to you (if I was wearing a cap)!!!
Suldog - Thanks for the visit! Come back anytime!
Andrea - Ooooooo, teleportation. Now. That. Is. Cool. Can we trade ultra-cool, non-existent, futuristic devices?
Military Mom - Hey, with the USAF a full-time job is more than a civilian full-time job.
Just A Girl - You're too sweet! :-)
NATUI - Most of my reading takes place with kids piled on my lap, them reading Little Bear books, me reading a snippet of my book here and there. Bad Heather! Bad!
David - Doffing appreciated! :-)
Sorry. I'm not trading, but I might share... :)
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