Maybe this?

How 'bout this...

What about...

Really? What do you think of...

Seriously? Let's try...

Laughter but no wetting of pants? OK...

What about Cousin It?

Did you laugh? At all? Thank GOD! 'Cause the kids were snorting.
Nothing like a little personal ridicule to make your day...
You are a brave soul, my friend...just one of the many reasons why I lurve you! But were you trying to pinch a loaf in that fourth one?
Dude, you mean my Internet has been out all day and I have been missing jewels like THIS? Damn it!! I can't wait to show the kids "Silly Heather" tomorrow...
Too funny! My favorites were the classic Batman, upside-down-hands pose and Cousin It.
When I was a little girl, I had super long, thick hair that was a dirty blonde. I used to entertain my brothers by brushing all my hair into my face, putting on a hat and putting my glasses back on, speaking in that silly Cousin It gibberish. :-)
Ah...memories! D
Very nice dispay of dorkitude!
Teri - You'll never know... :-)
NATUI - Hope they enjoy it!
Momma - I LOVE the upside-down Batman thing. My fave! Cousin It is a good one too.
Fab - Total dorkitude!
What mothers don't do for their kids.
That was for the kids . . . right?
(I was caught making spit bubbles with my son not long ago . . . plenty of pics of my son; none of me - it's nice being the camera holder)
The Cousin It one made me chuckle.
I liked the one where you were picking a booger.
Crazy, Silly Woman
I didn't LOL, but I smiled. And that is huge today.
XOXOX - thanks for that.
Donna - Well, for the kids and for my own amusement. I really cracked myself up! I'm easily amused.
Avitable - Good!
Gypsy - I actually did pull something out of my nose with that one...
Betsey - Indeed...
Britt - Glad you smiled, hon!
OMFG! You scare me woman!!!!
Dutch Bitch - Mission accomplished, then!
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