12 July 2008

Silent Saturday 4: Cousin Fun


Not Afraid to Use It said...

OMG they are adorable! What a great picture! I am glad you guys are having so much fun with your guest!

Liz Hill said...

I had great times with my cousins growing up. How adorable!

Molly's Mom said...

Cousins are fun...Molly's going to meet some cousins from Germany in a few weeks, so we're excited!
Where are they? That slide looks freaking awesome!

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

NATUI - We did have a great time. She's a great kid!

Turnbaby - Thanks, hon!

Molly's Mom - That sounds exciting! I took the picture at Monkey Joe's, an indoor playground with inflatable bounce houses and slides. It's friggin' awesome!

Anonymous said...

I was gonna say "Jump Fun Zone!!" when I saw that slide, which apparantly, is the same thing as Monkey Joe's. I take my son there every year (well, the last two years) for his birthday party.

Well worth the money.

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

Sheila - Oh, heck yeah! Definitely worth the money, especially since they sleep like friggin' rocks that night!

Anonymous said...

that's a very cute picture

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

Nurse Myra - Thanks! My husband took it.