While returning home from a birthday party, I saw a campaign sign for a person running for Georgia's State Senate. The candidate's last name, the largest word on the sign, is the same as Bubba's first name. The following brief Q & A session ensued.Me: Bubba! I didn't know you're running for state senate!
Bubba: Yesh.
Me: If you win, will you give me your parking space?
Bubba: Emphatically shaking his head. No.
Smart kid.
Bubba for Georgia State Senate!
ADORABLE! What a doll! Aren't kids just hilarious? We miss y'all Heather and can't wait to see y'all again soon.
Just goes to show they pay attention to way more than we think. I love it!
He's got my vote!
I melted at "Yesh."
I also love the "yesh". Can completely hear it in my mind!
What a precious little man!
I can honestly say I have never said that about a candidate for office! ;-)
Vonda - Oh, and these three? Can be regular comedians!
Evil Genius - Thanks, hon!
NATUI - Oh, they so pay attention. It's scary!
Sybil Law - I'll let him know!
Employee No. 3699 - I know. So did I.
Molly's Mom - His little speech quirk with the s's is so damned cute!
Other Heather - Hee hee!
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