I am thankful that my sister-in-law is cooking this year's family Thanksgiving meal!
I am thankful that my sinus infection pain is easily controlled with handfuls of Advil. Fistfuls, really.
I am thankful that the Lifetime Movie Network is showing The Thorn Birds every night this week and that I can devour turkey while drooling over Richard Chamberlain.
I am thankful the Ty-man took two days off work this week to play the part of stay-at-home-dad while I recovered. He, on the other hand, will need several stiff drinks to recover from those two days.
I am thankful my children are safe, healthy, and happy. Well, happy until we tell them "No!" "Stop!" or "Don't hit your brother/sister!"
I am thankful we live in a country that can have such a contentious presidential election and that when all was said and done, it was a peaceful election with no military coups, civilian uprisings, or violence. Isn't our country wonderful?
I am thankful my husband only owns 10 pairs of khaki pants. Any more and I would have to open up my own laundry/dry cleaning service.
I am thankful that The Real Housewives of Atlanta is over and that I can no longer be sucked into that train wreck.
I am thankful for Splenda, chocolate, and sugar-free Godiva anything.
I am thankful for my wonderful family who love me because they have to.*
I am thankful for my friends who love me because they choose to.**
I am thankful for all of you who come here each day and give me hope.
*Just kidding!
**Actually, it's because I pay them.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thorn Birds makes me so happy!
And we're thankful for you, dear Heather. Have a wonderful holiday with your family.
Oh, and Thorn Birds? How did I not know that Thorn Birds was on???? I loves me some Thorn Birds!
Peace - D
I'm glad you're all on the mend. Here's to no strep for Thanksgiving! Happy Turkey-Day!!
"I am thankful we live in a country that can have such a contentious presidential election and that when all was said and done, it was a peaceful election with no military coups, civilian uprisings, or violence. Isn't our country wonderful?"
YES. I'm thankful that I'm not the only one that is thankful for that. :)
For Splenda? Really?
Hope y'all had (are having) a great one!
Hope you're having a wonderful thanksgiving!
That's why this is my favorite holiday. It is so nice to be thankful before the rush of I want! I want!. Great list.
I had to give up on The Real Housewives of Atlanta. It just made me embarrassed to live in Georgia.
I would love to give those women a reality check. I would love for those princesses to spend a week scrubbing my toilets.
I can't look away from the Atlanta Housewives. Train wreck extraordinaire.
I'm thankful for fudge, Coke Zero, spandex, James Bond, and you.
Thankful that you are thankful. Oh, and Richard Chamberlin gives me the hives.
Other Heather - Oh, Thorn Birds just melts my insides!
RiverPoet - Thanks, hon!
Teri - Thank God there was no strep!
Faiqa - :)
A Free Man - Splenda rocks my sugar-free world, hon.
Giggle Pixie - Thanks, hon!
NATUI - You are so right!
Tina - That would be something awesome to watch!
Gypsy - Oh! I forgot about James Bond!
Kaila - Really? He gives me warm fuzzies!
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