I started reading Chris a.k.a. A Free Man (An American Expatriate - upside down Down Under) through NATUI and enjoyed reading his reviews at Ask and Ye Shall Receive during his short tenure as Professor Booty (you naughty, naughty boy!)
A few weeks back, at the beginning of the football season, Chris (who also happens to be an alumnus of the University of Georgia - GO DAWGS!) lamented the decided lack of black and red Dawg gear available in Australia for his growing son, Boy Z. Boy Z is on the fast track to wearing large quantities of said colors throughout his young life and eventually cheering on the Dawgs from the student seats in approximately 17 years and a few months. Remembering my young days as the daughter of an ex-Marine who always made sure I had at least one red and yellow, globe and anchor emblazoned t-shirt in my wardrobe, I could relate to Chris's urgent need. So I heeded his call to arms and sent the young, future alumnus some UGA gear, board books, and a calendar for Chris. Chris asked what I would like in return. After much thought and contemplation, I requested an aborigine with a didgeridoo. I'm sure Chris snorted vast quantities of vegemite through his nose after that request and instead asked for my kids' clothing sizes. And the box of goodies? Arrived yesterday! Squeeeeeeeee!

Look at that! A box! All the way from Australia! It traveled 10,000 miles! To land on our humble door step! And the kids couldn't keep their hands off it! We opened it to find three adorable sweatshirts, three cute koala toys, and an awesome book:

Possum Magic is Australia's best-known children's book. And the kids loved it! We learned about echidnas, kangaroos, lamington, and ANZAC biscuits. And dang if they didn't look cute while doing it!

Thank you, Chris, Dr. O'C, and especially you, Boy Z!
I hope the kids don't get confused about possums, what they call a possum is not what is called a possum in the states. Theirs are way cuter!!
Look at those smiles! They are so cute!!
Woo hoo. Glad my marsupial courier got there and I even got the sizes right. Not bad for a guy, huh? Thanks again for your package - a most satisfactory exchange.
How cool is that? I am eagerly awaiting a package from Daryl with a bit of NYC stuff. Then I'll be paying it forward with Maryland stuff to 3 people. It's a very cool little ripple.
Enjoy the book!
Peace - D
Niiice...I love schwag.
This blogging thing has its rewards, doesn't it :)
What an awesome gift!!
But your kids would look cute covered in mud!
Very cool.
(Maybe next Halloween they can go as kangaroos...start sewing.)
That's so cool. Who knew this blogging thing could be so... connecting. :)
Other Heather - Very true. Australian possums are so much more cute!
A Free Man - You did great! And thanks again!
RiverPoet - It is a very cool ripple.
MommyCosm - It so does!
Sybil Law - Very true!
Employee No. 3699 - HA! Those would be pretty awesome costumes!
Gypsy - Go figure!
Your kids looks rockin' in their Down Under apparel.
And I have to throw in an Aw shucks. Thanks for the linkback. I feel a bit like a matchmaker. LOL
Possum Magic was my favourite book as a kid! I think nearly every Aussie household has a copy of it kicking around somewhere. Enjoy!
You put "GO DAWGS!" on your blog. I disown you.
How awesome is that? The kids look very cute. This internet thingy is quite the connector is it not? (bad choice of words, I know, but I was up late and can't think straight)
NATUI - Don't they, though? And you were a total matchmaker! :)
Molly's Mom - Totally!
Agnes - I know the kids will definitely enjoy it and it's so cute listening to them try to pronounce "kookaburra!" :)
Teri - Oh, hon. Don't you dare. Does this make it better? Ahem.... GO MUTHAFUCKIN' GATORS!!!!! There. :)
Kaila - It is quite the connector. :)
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