I love this t-shirt. It says it all. And my black pearls? Found for a steal at Macy's? Say it all, too.
And together, they pretty much shout, Not your average Southern gal. Nope. So go f*** yourself. Love y'all! I particularly enjoy wearing this while grocery shopping at the local Kroger. All the little old ladies do double-takes.
Yep. Love me some pretty bling and some incendiary clothing.
OMG...I LOVE that shirt! Supremely awesome.
I am getting this shirt.
That shirt is awesome.
GREAT shirt! If only I could wear it to teach next year...
I <3 your shirt! AND your pearls!
tee shirts and pearls rock!
Where can I can a shirt like that? No, really, I need to have one.
Oh, are there words on the boobs?
Dude. I need that shirt. There's lots of little old ladies around here to offend.
I like it. I'm sure the white bread folks up in your neck of the woods really appreciate such. Where I grocery shop, nobody can read, so they wouldn't get it.
Ah damn!! Next time, you TOTALLY have permission to pick up one for me, too. I have PayPal and know how to use it.
THAT is the best T i've seen in quite some time. Work it Girl!
Go put that shirt in your little ole etsy shop. I'll buy it.
Heh... I love that you wore black pearls with that T shirt. Genius *and* fabulous.
That's perfection
Very nice, but you depend on the observer being able to read. Not a given in your neck of the woods!
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