It's a pretty big step, going from babyhood to toddlerhood. You've had to learn how to crawl, walk, run, smile, laugh, and eat Cheerios and strawberries and chocolate chip cookies. You've had to navigate siblings, car seats, colds, and pediatricians. And J-man? You've done it with style!

Happy 2nd birthday, little man! I love you!

Happy Birthday little one!!
Such a cutie! Two is a fun age...I miss M being 2. Happy Birthday to your little man!
Happy birthday!!
Happy birthday, J-man!
Happy birthday, J-Man! Many happy returns!
(and hey, Anon? WTF?)
Peace - D
Happy Birthday, J - Man!
(He is frigging cute!!)
Happy Birthday to the J-man!!
How can he be two already!!! That is amazing! Happy Birthday J-man!!
Happy Birthday J-Man!
Happy birthday Little Man!
Everybody - Thanks for the Happy Birthday wishes! I told J-man "The PRB said to tell you Happy Birthday!" and he responded, "Tank you!"
All the things he had to learn! Totally impressive. Happy, happy, happy to all of you.
Ooooo, our hospital had the same little blue and pink hats. My ovaries are glowing...
Happy Birthday, J-Man!
Aww, Happy Birthday dude!
Patois - Thanks, hon!
MommyCosm - Hee hee! Glowing ovaries!
A Free Man - Thanks, darlin'!
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