Don't forget the pictures! We couldn't get too wild because there were kids sitting near us. Poor, kids. Disturbed for life after one dinner of sitting near a bunch of bloggers.

My requisite picture with the man himself. DAVE! Thanks, Hilly, for encouraging us to pinch Dave's bottom. Nothing like copping a feel at the Cheesecake Factory!

I met Anissa at BlogHer and was excited to not only find a new blog to read, but to discover that she's a recent Atlanta transplant. Glad you're here, hon!

And by the way? Don't let Anissa and her spring rolls anywhere near your crab cakes and dip. FOOD P0RN!

I just adore Kevin and Beth. Not only are they fellow bloggers, but they're also fellow alums of North Georgia College. GO SAINTS!

So, I ordered a margarita and the waitress didn't even blink an eye or ask for my ID. Mike got there, ordered his drink, and I watched him pull out his driver's license. Yes, Mike, you look like you're still in high school and I'm not bitter at all. Nope. Even though you've found the fountain of youth and haven't revealed its location to the rest of us, I still adore you and your beautiful wife!

I just adore Kim and she's pretty much the bravest and most amazing blogger I've ever had the honor of meeting. Give Gregory a smooch from me!

There are so many times I'll have a commenter and I'll start reading said commenter's blog and I get a hint that they, too, live in Atlanta. And then this blogger shows up to Davelanta and we're talking and she tells me she's Julie and that doesn't ring a bell and then she tells me her handle is Geekgrl64 and the light bulb goes off and the bells ring and I'm all Holy Crap! You're Geekgrl64! That's awesome! People, I've had so many of those moments, I can't even count them all. Can't wait to see you at DragonCon, hon!

And last but not least was Val. Val isn't a blogger, but she's a reader and we all chastised her for not starting her own blog and she said I'm not a writer. and I looked at her and said Well, Lord, hon. I'm not a writer. I'm just some crazy bitch who posts weird shit on the Internet. And I think maybe I scared her a little. Sorry sweetie!
It was great seeing everyone and I can't wait for Davegiving!
*If he's obscure, then I have beachfront property on the moon.
** Fried macaroni and cheese balls, people. Geez.
So very happy to see you again... that's twice this year!
And I wouldn't worry about corrupting those kids, it's their parents fault for sitting in a BAR. Besides, I just can't help it that my balls were so tasty that people couldn't keep their forks off my plate and were compelled to rave about them all night long! It's nobody's fault. It's just the way things are.
Hope to do this again next year!
It's just too bad that there's so much planet between here and Atlanta. I loved meeting you and would love to be able to do that again - but honey - that's a fur trip! One of these days ...
I wish I could have driven up for it. If it hadn't been for BlogHer, I probably would have, too. I guess I'll just have to make a separate trip to Atlanta someday.
Cheesecake factory AND meeting other bloggers?! Green with envy over here.
Looks like a great time was had by all. If Mike ever discloses the location of the fountain, let me know.
You know, I wasn't carded either, but then again Mike does look like he needs to show ID! I cannot say the same.
I had a great time and I look forward to seeing you at Dragon Con!
How cool that you got to go again. Looks like you guys had a blast!
What a great time! Two awesome blogger meet ups in 2 weeks? I'm quite jealous :)
LOL at the food porn.
At first I thought the asterisks next to Dave balls ** was a trademark thingamajig, and I was like, "Got to see Dave's balls sometime!"!
Yeah - I am a perv. What of it?!
Dave2 - You? Very tasty balls. I'm just sayin'. :)
LceeL - I know what you mean. Chicago is just little ways up there. We'll see, hon!
Avitable - Excuses, excuses.
MommyCosm - Yeah, it was pretty awesome. :)
Employee No. 3699 - Oh, I will certainly give you a shout!
Geekgrl64 - OK, see, now? I just have a complex about it. Can't wait for DragonCon!
NATUI - Honey, I would have to be in the hospital waiting for a heart transplant to not go. Wait, no, actually, I'd just have the hospital bed wheeled over to the Cheesecake Factory. I wouldn't miss it. :)
Momisodes - Anissa is just such a bad girl!
Sybil Law - That's why we get along! Pervs of a feather... :)
Sounds like a blast. Ditto LceeL's comment about all that space between us.
Sounds like a great time! Wish I could have been there to meet so many awesome people.
Patois - Dude. Whenever you escape Cali and come southeast? We're soooo partying. All I'm sayin'.
Lynda - It was fun, hon! Wish you had been there. :(
Did you leave out Diana???
Looks like fun!
Miss Britt - I didn't get a chance to have my picture taken with her! We were sitting on opposite sides of the table. :(
Gypsy - It was!
I hear that Muskrat is really short.
A Free Man and Muskrat - I'm going to quietly step away and let the two of you slug it out. :)
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