We went out, at the last-minute, to a local Mexican restaurant. Yeah. We're masochists that way. Fellow HOA-survivor Jodi and her family accompanied us and after consuming a small margarita (that knocked me on my ass), I was loopy and picture-happy.

The Hipstamatic app adds textures to your iPhone photos to give them that nostalgic look. Thirty years ago we were bitching about our shitty, washed-out pictures and now, suddenly, it's cool!

Personally, I love it. I think it adds depth and meaning to my photos. It's not just a quick phone camera photo of Ty-man and J-man, it's a photograph of a father and his son, spending a moment cuddling amidst the madness of a "everybody-in-this-neighborhood-is-plastered-and-entirely-too-loud" Cinqo de Mayo party. It's like the difference between visiting Paris for the weekend or backpacking through the French countryside. I love the nostalgia of it all.

Hell, even Andy got in on the action, complacently mugging for his own shot.
I guess, at the end of the day, I just like pictures. Period. They tell a story, show others our souls and the beauty beheld in our eyes. It's probably a bit contrived, but be prepared to see more of these retro photos on my blog, because I'm in love with a $2 app.

That is so cool!! I love pictures, too. I don't have a cool phone to use it though.
My neuroticism (which apparently isn't a real word) won't allow me to do that. I have to have an original photo that I post-process. It'd drive me nuts to have one of those pics that I can't have the original (unmodified) version of.
Unless, of course, I'm an idiot, and there is an original... to which I say, "wanna give me your awesome iPhone??"
Sadly, I'm like Joe-I'm a little neurotic about having negatives! LOL!! But those are really cool pictures. I guess I need to get an Iphone! ;-)
Hmm. I'll have to look that up on the app store...
What will they think of next? Maybe I can convert my iTunes music to vinyl so I can get that good old scratchy - stuck on one repeating guitar riff sound back. Or maybe they'll provide an attachment so my 46" HDTV only displays 13" b&w like my first set. Actually, I'll pass. Nostalgia just isn't what it used to be.
I like these photos too. It allows you to be really creative with a less-than-fantastic camera.
Two dollars, huh? Hmm...
I have a camera in my phone - I just can't use it. I CAN'T. I want a shutter and focusing and white balance and control over exposure and all that stuff.
But your app is cute. heh, heh.
I know what you're thinkin'.
I so love pictures, too. I can see why you'd never put it down.
Ah, but how do the nudes look?
I love the effect, too!!!
Pictures rock. Keep 'em comin'!
I love the 21st century - designing technology to replicate the technology that we replaced as crappy in the 1970's. Awesome times we live in, Heather.
That last pic is my fav. You look so groovy!
retro is totally "in"!
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