Did you know that you were born three years ago today? It all started four days after your Bubba's and Esha's first birthdays when I stood in the kitchen, starring down the barrels of three (count 'em, three) positive pregnancy tests. I couldn't believe it, but the proof was staring me in the face. My body, my screwed-up, wtf-do-you-mean-I'm-supposed-to-ovulate? body had finally figured out this whole cycle thing all on its own and you came into being.
For those first few months, I was plenty-nauseous and annoyed by the whole affair. How the heck was I supposed to raise twin one-year-olds and keep house if all I wanted to do was lie on the couch and moan? But then? Then, you moved. And I felt you. And my heart sang.

Our doctor decided to induce our labor two weeks early since my blood pressure was elevated. I must say, I was so happy to meet you earlier than expected. The hospital called very early on Friday morning, May 11, 2007, and informed us they were ready. The pitocin was administered, my epidural was good to go, and I waited. Lucky for me, there was a Roseanne marathon showing on a local channel. As I settled in for a several-hour stretch, I shifted in bed and realized that even through the epidural, something felt different. I called the nurses' station, they checked your progress, and just three hours after the start of our journey, you were there, ready to make your entrance.

When I first saw you, I thought you a mix of your Bubba and Esha. I saw a little of my father in your face and you were just precious. At first, I didn't want to hold you too much because I didn't want to spoil you, but by the time we came home two days later, I gave in. You were too cute not to cuddle 24/7 and to this day, you're a cuddler.

Dear J-man, you're a sweet boy who is constantly off the hook. You talk non-stop, chase after your Bubba and Esha, and drive them crazy. You also love them unconditionally and make all of us laugh until we gasp and snort.

I love you. Happy third birthday little man!

Aww...Happy Birthday J-man :)
Birthdays for children are awesome. Hope his is great.
So sweet. Very happy happy happy birthday!
Happy Birthday, Boy. You're a lucky little man.
Too cute...I love the pic of you and the three pee sticks! Happy birthday to the little dude!
How could you NOT love that face?!! He's adorable!!
Happy Birthday, J - Man!
Happy Birthday little man!
(If that silly Doctor worked on Thursdays that year, you could have had the best birth date ever!)
AWW! Happy Birthday J-man!
I hope he had a spectacular,and awesomely amazing day yesterday! I like the pictures - what a cutie patootie (the birthday boy too) :)
I think if you connect the pee sticks and attach them to the top of your roof it will generate wind energy to power your home.
And happy birthday to J-man!
Happy birthday, J-man! Happy birthday, Mama!
Happy belated birthday!
How in the world can he be THREE!?!?!? Happy birthday, dude! You are an awesome guy, and I hope your Terrific Threes are rockin' awesome!
Belated Happy Birthday to J-man!!!
He is so darn cute.
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