My in-laws have a beautiful piece of property in the north Georgia mountains and they have worked hard for the last eight years to turn that property into their mountain paradise. This time of year there are a plethora of flowers and whenever I'm there with my camera, I go crazy with the flower pictures.
After the kids' egg hunt, I took off for the driveway where I saw some beautiful, pink clematis blooming. (Aside: A former friend of mine always called it flowering clitoris. Now, whenever I see a clematis, I have to stop myself, put the proper word in my head, and not just sputter out WOW! That's a beautiful clitoris! I didn't know they came in blue?!)

Me. Being sexy. It is for to laugh. So, I tried really hard. Can't you tell by the expression on my face that I'm trying to hold back the laughter?

Then? I lost it.

Serious belly-laughter ensued. I cannot be sexy without cracking my own shit up.

I managed to get in one more pose. A very skeptical, Am I bringing teh sexeh? pose.

It's hard to be sexy in Crocs and a skort, but hey, you do what you gotta do.
Thank God I found a rhododendron...

I'm not sure who's lovelier - you or the flowers, but you're definitely cuter!
That would have been the perfect moment for a Metformin-induced fart attack. And check my blog for an example of how to bring the Easter sexeh.
I like the last picture of you - kinda hard to get your arms around that large phallic symbol?
Hey - a woman with a sense of humor about herself is tres sexay. Believe it.
*insert pretty woman whistle here* Dang girl! Can I have a calendar? hehe.
love, love, love that image of you almost doubling over with laughter. more beautiful than any flower.
It does look in the last picture of you that you're doing something to the wall. Was there some kind of sconce or something there that we can't see?
Sybil Law - Well, thank you very much!
Muskrat - Wall, soap, showers, shivs. All of it.
Grant - Actually, I'm holding off on the Metformin-induced fart attack until my dulcimer performance on Sunday. PERFECTION!
LceeL - HA!
Megan - Then I am the funniest bitch on the block, hon! ;)
Little Mrs. Jonesss - I'll ship one to you ASAP.
Hello Haha Narf - AWWWWW!!!!!
Patois - Don't you wish. ;)
I love that your sexeh photo shoot cracks yourself up. And you said skort - heh. Awesome.
That's definitely sexy.
Does it help to know that I was singing "Sexy/back" by Justin Timberlake while perusing your poses?
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