Kids are asleep, my lunch is consumed, time to check the mail. Goodness, what's that? It's an envelope all the way from Florida, care of Mr. Fabulous!

Hmmm, what could it be, I wonder? It's not often I receive packages from someone other than Dark Horse Comics or Barnes & Noble. Let's open it and see...

Well, it's purple, that's a good sign. Wait, I know what this is... could it be? Could it truly be? YES! Thank the sculpey gods above, it's my very own "Fab"ricated Sculpey Penis Bracelet!

Get ready, folks, 'cause I'm pretty sure these babies are going to sweep the nation and I'm one of the first to own one! Notice the way, in the photo below, how it hugs the wrist, how it complements one's hand...

Thanks, Fab! You rock! I'm wearing it as I blog! This will be my blogging inspiration, my muse, and the best part? It has Fabby fingerprints, glazed and baked in, all over it!
Blowing kisses!

Ed. note: I cannot be held responsible for the horrendous state of my hair or the number of nose hairs you can see/count in the above pictures. I'm the only one in my house, at the moment, who can handle and use the camera. Self portraits, looking like you have only one arm, because the other arm is occupied with taking said photos, suck. You know this and I know this. Besides, if I wait for Ty-man to get home, he'll probably get jealous and try to Bogart my bracelet. Damned if I'm going to let that happen!
Dahhling, you were BORN to wear my cock on your wrist!
Very, very nice! I think you are going to be the envy of your HOA! LOL
I know quite a few people who would love those. You are one lucky, lucky gal! Glad to see you back!
YAY for Photo Essays!!! *clap! clap!*
Woohoo! Let's hear it for cock-jewelry! Must have for Christmas! You are too funny!
You get packages from Dark Horse?
Absolutely fahbulus, dahling! Purple is my favorite color...
My mind went straight to all the things you could do now that you have his fingerprints. Yes, I'm a geek, and a creative one, to boot!
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