Two years ago the Pampered Chef mafia forced me to purchase one of
these. And honestly? It's awesome. I use it to simultaneously core and slice apples as well as pears, and it takes me all of two seconds to fix fruit for the kids' lunches and dinners.
But the pears. Oh, the pears. Whenever I core/slice a
Bosc pear? The core? It's well...
Glory be, but I think my kitchen might need an NC-17 rating:

I'm just sayin'...
OMG... that kinda kitchen stuff could make a person all giddy!
Wow! I don't know what to say.
I may have to get me one of those. The slicer thing, not the penis pear. Although...
Need video to go with this.
Bong chicka bong ....
I think you've got a dirty mind.
Just sayin'
So that's why I couldn't see this post from the school yesterday. You were blocked!
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