You are my favorite Bubba because...
- You love to cuddle.
- You are so quiet and concentrate so intensely when you play.
- You watch space shuttle launches and cry when its over.
- You love chocolate as much as I do.
- You know the difference between a Stingray and a regular Corvette.
- You scream the loudest of anyone when you are hurt.
- You squeal and giggle when pretend-tickled. From across the room.
- You love the thrill of going fast.
- You answer Pretty good! when asked How are you?.
- You are my oldest son.
Little boys are just the best!
He's so darn cute!
Isn't amazing how boys can screamn? I mean really scream? Great list. Can't wait to see your last one.
Aw, this was so sweet. He's such a cutie.
I love his "Pretty good!" answer :)
how stinking sweet that he cries when the shuttle launches are over?!?!?!! i think i love this kid. especially because i also giggle and squirm when pretend tickled, even if it is from across the room.
So cute!
My son's scream is louder and more like a girl than my daughter.
Awww - I love these!!
He is fracking adorable!!
LOVE the squeal with pretend tickles!
I'm usually pretty good too.
Other Heather - Aren't they? I had no idea before his birth but now I'm a believer that little boys are so special!
Employee No. 3699 - He is a darling!
NATUI - Oh, and it's an ear drum-splitting scream. Lordy.
Momisodes - I know. "Pretty good" Too awesome!
Hello Haha Narf - I'm so pretend tickling you next time I see you! :)
MommyCosm - I don't get it, either.
Sybil Law - He is an absolute cutie!
Patois - Hee hee!
A Free Man - Aren't we all?
I just wanna pinch those cheeks.
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