Casa CofaCMG? Here 'tis:

There we are, at the end of the cul-de-sac. There in said cul-de-sac? The mother-in-law's car. See, when I was placed on limited physical activity at the end of my pregnancy with J-man, my wonderful mother-in-law was over here. Every. Single. Day. To feed twins, put them to bed, entertain them, wash dishes, yadda. The picture must have been taken then. On the right? The HOA president and Girl Scout Troop Leader, a.k.a. cookie enabler.
The red X on the roof of our house? Why, that points out the location of the Heather/Ty-man love nest. Jealous?
Meme on, people. Meme on.
You and your fancy zooming abilities. Apparently my new place isn't important enough to gather satellite imagery of, seeing how the closest I can zoom in on it is the entire southeastern quarter of the town.
Why, this makes stalking a breeze!
The map of my place is blurry and uninteresting. No telling when they took it, but it was not during the drought last year, because the pond is actually full.
Your place looks big enough for me to come live in the basement, though. See you in 5...
Peace - D
I looked at mine a month or so ago (I know, geek) and got probably a little too excited to see that the image had been updated. The original was either from before I lived in the house or shortly after the ex and I moved in six (holy crap!) years ago. The new one has to be from the last year or so...judging by the number of palm trees and the spot where I had an evergreen die last summer. And damn does my driveway need pressure washed.
OMG! Wait! It was seven years ago. Summbitch. :faint:
I did this about six months ago.
Oh...I can totally see the secret sex dungeon.
I'll do it. If my yard looks clean, hehe.
When I do this? All you can see are trees.
Jayna - I'm sorry. You could Google Britney Spears' place and I wouldn't know. You could say you live there! Yeah!
Fab - That's why I did it, hon. It's like a CMG scavenger hunt! :-)
Momma - Sweet! Pond! And? You can come live here anytime. Unless Teri is squatting. Then, you'll have to share a bathroom.
Teri - Geek doesn't even describe you, hon. Only you would check that on a regular basis.
Avitable - Dude. I'm just so damned lame. I thought I was being all original. Turns out, I'm just a joiner. Way to burst my bubble.
Just a Girl - Just for you and Al, baby. Just for you guys.
Gypsy - Trees are good...
But you're a joiner in the coolest club possible. So it's okay.
I did this too. According to the pic here, I live on a beach. Under a tree.
Coming here is making me waste all kinds of time in my day. First I have to go out and get green donuts, and now I've been on google maps for too long.
Ok, and now I've had to type in the "letters as they are shown" three--no, now four, times. I don't have all day here!
Avitable - True. Thanks hon!
Britt - Bwwwwwhhhhhaaaa! That's too funny. Beach indeed. So, can I come down? :-)
OK, Where Was I? - Consarned Blogger.
NATUI - Sweet! Contributing to the delinquency of a blogger!
I can't even believe you'd have to ask.
Mi casa playa es tu casa playa baby!
(Although, I should note, mi casa is muy smaller than tu casa. Don't hate.)
Britt - Sweet! I could give a shit about the size... it's the people living inside that matter. :-)
Long time lurker, (I think) first time commenter....I LOVE the satellite image, I HATE that our house is too far in the stix to be seen on satellite. You can count the hairs on the backs of the dudes in NYC, but my house looks like someone threw up green on a blob of brown. Boring!
Stole your meme . . . I'm such a leech.
Jenn - Dude, seriously? I always say, pick out somebody else's house and make it your own, hon! :-)
Vulgar Wizard - Steal away, oh great blood sucker.
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