Today my littlest man turns one.
I can remember taking a pregnancy test five days after the twins' first birthday, thinking Nah. I'm just paranoid about being late. I've been late my entire life. This? Is the usual lateness. It took five rounds of hormones and insemination to have the twins. It's not possible for me to be pregnant after some old-fashioned sex.
Actually? Possible it was.
First, he was a surprise. Then? A miracle. And now?
He's the sweetest little boy in the world whose face lights up at the slightest excuse. He walked at 11 months and I think he might talk at 13 months because everything is fodder for "Da-da-da-da-da-da-da" in a little boy voice with a slight Southern twang. He's a miniature of his father with my eyes and he is just the busiest little man I've ever seen.
It's a privilege to be his mother and I can't think of a better way to spend Mothers' Day than to celebrate his entrance to the world one year ago.
Happy Birthday, J-man! I love you!
AAWW!! Happy Birthday Little Man!
And Happy Mother's Day to you!
He sounds like a blast. Happy Birthday to him and Happy Mothersday too!
SO...does this mean you have changed your mind about selling him to me?
What a wonderful day for a birthday! Happy Mother's Day to you!! I didn't realize ours were so close in age (obviously I'm not that observant :-)
Other Heather - Thanks, hon!
Dutchbitch - He is a blast. Thanks sweetie!
Fab - Um, yes. Sorry hon. He's just too sweet!
Jayna - I know! They are close. Too bad we can't get them together. Have a good day, hon!
Happy Birthday J-Man!
He is so darned cute.
Happy Mother's Day, Heather.
My birthday sometimes falls on Mother's Day and when I was a kid I thought it was extra special for the two of us. Hope you two share the same unique bond.
Happy birthday, J-man! Isn't it wonderful when nature trumps medicine? You are truly blessed - Peace - D
Grattis pÄ födelsedagen from all of us to all of you. Can"t wait to see you guys!
Happy birthday!
He's adorable!! Happy birthday. :)
Well, Imma couple days late and a whole lotta dollars short, but I'm still gonna wish the little J-Man a Happy Birthday!! Belated as it may be! ;0)
What a perfect day for a birthday too!! :0)
And, of course, a belated Happy Mother's Day to you too, Heather!!
Lori - Thanks, hon! I'm so glad his birthday is close to that special holiday. That way, we can share something together!
Momma - Thanks, Momma! It's wonderful when Mother Nature plays nice!
NATUI - Thanks, sweetie!
Avitable - Thanks, hon!
Gypsy - He is quite the lady-killer! :-)
Melissa - Thanks, hon!
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