OK, Mothers' Day was... good. I got
oodles (a German word, I think) of Godiva dark chocolate goodness from the kiddles. I got a
sweet card from the Ty-man, and I took my mom out for Italian and
Iron Man (Yes, I realize I've seen it three times. I have an addiction and it's name is Robert Downey, Jr.).
All of this? Led to a late night and a headache of massive proportions. So, before my skull explodes and spews forth brain matter onto my computer screen (ah, the visuals I give you), I leave you with this beautiful nugget.

Damn. Wasn't I just the cutest kid alive?
Cutest kid alive? Why not compare yourself to...
Oh...it's a lovely day. Let's not go there.
Most adorable!
Oh, and Happy Birthday to your little guy - sorry I missed it yesterday.
Iron Man is definitely worth seeing three times.
You've been able to see a first-run movie three times now? Sooooo jealous. LOL
But if you are a RD Jr, fan, please tell me you own Heart & Souls on DVD and watch it weekly. What a great movie!!
I can't believe you've seen Iron Man three times WITHOUT ME!! You know RDJr is second on my list behind Mr. Depp. Where is the love?
Fab - Yeah, I was working this post with a headache. Let's not go there...
Donna - Thanks, hon!
Avitable - Hell, yes it is! Might have to make it a fourth...
NATUI - Sorry, hon. I'd take you with me if I could!
Teri - *Hiding my head in shame.*
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