Allow me to elaborate via random bullet points:
- First? Fab and Turnbaby have a beautiful home. And the room in their basement that houses the air hockey table? Has a particularly comfortable floor. My foam pad and Eddie Bauer sleeping bag were quite happy in there. As was I.
- I enjoyed talking to everyone I met over the weekend. I only knew a small handful of people before going and I worried there might be one or two in the bunch I didn't know who would end up driving me nuts or whom I would drive bonkers. Not even. Everyone was gracious and talkative and friendly and made my job as "blogger who knows abso-frakking-lutely no one" a lot easier.
- Fab and Turnbaby are the most gracious host and hostess I've ever met.
- When the nice Asian lady asks if you want flowers on your big toes? Do it. Especially if you pick black as your color. Makes your toes go from "Goth" to "OH! They're so CUTE!"

- Fab, you must, MUST, MUST wear the Mickey Mouse ears. Every day. Forever. Seriously.

- Hilly, Britt, and Becky may not all be named Heather, but they are more Heather than me, the obvious, plain, too-quiet Veronica of the group. But they welcomed me anyway! You ladies made my weekend!
- Turnbaby, you're even more beautiful in person.
- It's because of you Fab that my love of moonshine has returned full-force. Must find a Georgia supplier...
- The black dye stains on my hands? A badge of honor. Loved every second of it.

- Turnbaby's tenderloin. Mmmmmm.....
- Shelli, Laci-Loo, Bubblewench, John, Lynda, Janelle, Kim, Karl, Metal Mom, Marty, Shiny, Sybil Law, and everyone else whom I can't remember off the top of my head at 11:39PM? Had a great time meeting every single one of you and hanging out.
- Um, Fab? Your flamingos were humping. You may have babies soon. I'm just sayin':

- It really sucks driving back home, six hours, with a migraine. I'm not kidding. Full-on light and sound sensitivity and nausea. I stopped in Lenoir City, TN, downed two Aleve, a gallon of iced tea, and about five biscuits sopping with honey. I managed to go from Athena trying to break loose from my brain to a dull thud. Ladies? We soooo shouldn't have talked about migraines just the day before.
- And finally? It is completely possible to karaoke Baby Got Back. As a white stay-at-home-mom. And while completely sober.
Brad? Liz? The weekend was amazing and unforgettable. I will cherish my shot glass (and its faint smell of hooch), my photos, my memories, and especially my friendship with the both of you. ConFab, Baby RAWKED!
*An awesome bluegrass song by the even more awesome Rhonda Vincent.
I really enjoyed meeting you and you rocked at the karaoke!
Okay. That video made my day...perhaps the next time I am somewhere karaoke is being done, I will have the balls to get up and do it ;)
Although I think you have more soul than me.
You crack me up. I would so love to get together some time! Planning a trip to the homeland any time soon? (Even though I'm still 6 hours from there...)
That video is pure, unadulterated awesomeness. I see viral potential.
Lynda - Thanks, man! Enjoyed meeting you, too!
Molly's Mom - Oh, you so need to do it, because the whole crowd will get up and sing and dance with you! It's awesome! And I don't have more soul than you. :) Woman. I just have no filter.
Annie - Dude. Sometimes? I crack myself up. I don't have any WV trips in the future, but I need to. I have relatives who aren't going to be on this Earth much longer and I need to make a visit. I'm hoping this fall. I'll keep you posted.
A Free Man - I see me hiding if it goes viral.
I have to say that meeting you and hanging out with you was one of the biggest highlights of my weekend! You are amazingly awesome and thank you so much for helping with the hair. :)
so excited to watch this video later. wheeeeeeee!
good thing you were there to help with the hair because i was enjoying laying on the couch with the camera, staying dye free. yay, you!
seriously, i absofuckinglutely LOVED spending time with you. please know that the only fatal error you made was telling me that when i am in atlanta i can crash on your couch. coz i SO will.
much love to you, my new friend with the pretty flowered toes.
Sounds like a great weekend. Will you be rockin' the karaoke again at the MamaPop party?
Ooh, and I love the nails!
I am so glad you came - it was great seeing you again and I can't wait until July!
You are one of the coolest people I've ever met. Really! Plus, you are very sexy - I couldn't contain myself. ;)
I'm so glad I got to meet you this weekend. You are a total rock star!
Baby Got Back is definitely one of the defining moments of ConFab. :)
You are filled with awesome too !!! I loved meeting you !! I am around your parts alot, so we definitely have to get together soon, and now I will never be able to hear Baby Got Back w/o thinking about your awesomeness !!
You are totally awesome! Loved meeting you and chatting! And Baby Got Back will NEVER be the same for ever again.
Does someone's hair on a first meet? Wow!
I'm so incredibly jealous. Sounds like a great time.
Love the black toes w/flowers. I'm do for a mani/pedi and will have to remember that.
And the Baby got back video?! OMG, hilarious! You've got balls, sista. Thanks for sharing.
The memory of you shaking your little butt to Baby Got Back is one I will cherish forever. LOL
It was great meeting you, woman! You rawk!
I have no words. Rock on! Or should I say Rap On!
Sorry we talked about the migraines.
I think I know who took that video. ;)
Did I tell you that I love you lately? No, I'm not drunk this time.
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