Prior to last June, I had only met four bloggers in person. ConFab, Baby would be my first time meeting a large group of bloggers. In person. All at once. So many I had been itching to meet and others I didn't even know who they were. One lady in particular blew me away.

Becky is this awesome, optimistic, excited-about-everything, happy, beautiful woman. I hadn't read her blog in-depth, but her comments cracked me up. Every time. And after watching her cheer the Penguins to Stanley Cup victory and then sing crazy, drunken karaoke, I knew she was a blog friend to count as special. Especially when she blogged about her love of dandelions. I love someone who cheers the underdog, considering I spend most of my time mistaking myself for one of those said dogs.

Four months later, we reconnected at Invaded and had a most awesome time. She informed me that she would be in Atlanta, in April, on business, and we'd better hang. Dammit.
Hang, we did.
When I picked her up (after schlepping to the wrong Hilton - DOH!), we navigated the scary-confusing streets of Atlanta to find ourselves at The Varsity. It was crazy-crowded:

But we slowly made our way forward. After trying on the hats:

And listening to the cashiers yell "What'll ya have?!" we were in grease-dog heaven:

I am proud to say that I convinced Becky to try a chili-slaw dog. She liked it. I loved watching her reactions to the flavors and her surroundings. I later told Ty-man that that was the most fun I've EVER had at The Varsity. Hands down.
We then headed north to the CMGD household to play with kids and just relax.
(No pictures. I know. I'm a bad blogger. But the kids eventually lost their shyness and we made foam flower leis. Becky even got hugs before she left. The kids want her back. So do I.)
The Ty-man then played the part of Jeeves and drove us east to Roswell, the home of Greenwoods On Green Street, my most favorite Atlanta restaurant. We hooked up with the ever-cool, fellow college alumna, Copasetic Beth. There, we embarked on a most-delicious Southern meal and four hours of awesome conversation (during which we

Naughty Jedi Master.
Becky, I loved every second of your too-brief visit. I'm glad I got you for a few hours, I'm glad we got to know each other even better, and I'm glad to call you friend.

Ya'll come back soon, y'hear?
You're right on about Becky. She is human beauty personified. I love her from the depths of my soul, seriously. Also, for me, having you and Becky in the same room is like... well, I guess, like Qui-Gon Jinn and Captain William Adama showing up at my door with Chunky Monkey ice cream.
Um. That was my sad attempt at a SciFi metaphor. I don't know, I thought it was pretty good.
I'm so glad that two of my favoritest people got to hang out with each other!
We missed her terribly but I think it's fabulous she got to hang with you
Becky is awesome, no doubt about that.
Yay for the varsity! And I gotta try that Greenwoods place.. Glad you had an awesome time!
Glad you had fun. Everyone needs a little Becky in their lives. Or maybe a lot of Becky.
I loves me some Becky....And CMGD!
Even though y'all dissed us at Manual's, I'm glad y'all had fun anyway. Sort of.
Faiqa - OK, am I Qui-Gon or CPT Adama? Just got to know. ;)
Avitable - :)
Turnbaby - I'm sorry for snagging her from you. Next year, Becky and I just need to both come up to KY.
Nobody - She definitely is.
Little Mrs. Jonesss - Seriously. We need to get Brett out of the Starbucks one night and we double-date over to Greenwoods.
Finn - I would say a lot.
MetalMom - Hee hee!
Muskrat - Did you and Bossy have a good time? No dissing next time. Pinky-swear.
Awesome!!!! :D
Yep. Even hot dogs are better with Becky.
Y'all are both too darn lucky.
Meeting bloggers is always so awesome! Glad to see you gals had such a great time!
Shhhh, Don't tell Turnbaby and Mr. Fab that Confab 2 is coming up. Let's all surprise them.
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