Last night was all about the hook-up! Michelle, a.k.a. Ms.
Not Afraid To Use It, has been in town visiting the 'rents and we got together at the Perimeter Mall
Cheesecake Factory. Woo hoo! We hit it off immediately, talking religion, politics, love of Gene Roddenberry, kids, coffee, endometriosis,
Dr. Nezhat, husbands, parents, and everything else! The two different parties seated next to us must have had a fun time de-constructing our conversations in their respective cars going home! We ate, ate, and ate some more, downing some good food, great cheesecake (mmmmmm, pumpkin pecan), and awesome coffee! Then, we shut the place down. They were turning on lights, mopping floors, and we were still gabbing. Can't wait to get together again, Michelle! I had a great time and it's too bad we don't live closer.
In honor of last night's introduction, I have for you, dear readers, pictures from my m

orning. See, Michelle was kind enough to bring me a bag of Starbucks' special Lake Tahoe blend. Yummy! So, my morning coffee ritual was made even more special and I just had to document it! Here, on the right, is the extra-special bag 'o Lake Tahoe Blend. On the back is a sticker, signed by Susan (the girl who bagged up the beans), stating that one dollar of the purchase of said bag goes to the
League to Save Lake Tahoe. Wow! Gettin' my coffee on AND doing good at the same time. This, ladies and gentlemen, is one step away from Heaven. It would totally be Heaven if a young Sean Connery were serving me this coffee in a silver coffee service while wearing his swim trunks from
Dr. No. But, I digress.
Once the beans are released from bag-bondage, they must be sniffed in the hopes that some caffeine will be absorbed through my nasal cavity. That, and it makes me feel like a true coffee-connoisseur.

Now, we grind up those babies, stick 'em in the good 'ole Hamilton Beach Brew Station, and wait for the coffee smell to permeate the house. Meanwhile, I go up to shower, and when I return, it's coffee time!

I'd say that's one satisfied coffee-drinker. Thanks again, Michelle!
You are too funny, woman! I love that picture of you smelling the beans! LMAO I am glad that the coffee tasted good. I just got the pic up on my site, too. We are a pair of sexy bitches, I tell ya!
Awww, yeah! Hawt, sexy bee-otches indeed. Glad you gals had a great time!
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