Me: Is that Gods and Generals?
Ty-man: Yep.
Me: Who is that?
Ty-man: General Stonewall Jackson, played by Stephen Lang.
Me: You know? Those yak-fur beards just look too neat. If that was really Jackson, his beard would probably be really scraggly. I mean, it's a war.
Ty-man: Yeah, true. But, he probably had some lackey trim his beard for him.
Me: General perks?
Ty-man: Yeah.
Me: Not me. If I'm a general fighting a war? I don't want no beard-trimming perks. I want the Godiva-dark-chocolate-eating perks. That's for me.
Ty-man: Only you.
Yep. That's why the Union lost the war.
Shit, I want beard-trimming perks now.
Yup. Only you.
it's all about prioritizing.
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