Temperature peak - 101oF
Missed calls to pick up a sick Miss-Miss from school because I had the ringer off in the bedroom while I napped and I left my cell phone in the car - 10
Embarrassment factor over missing said calls, on a scale of 1 to 10? - 9 million
Times I apologized to the teacher in the span of one minute? - 15
Hours slept yesterday afternoon - 4
Doses of Motrin and Tylenol taken yesterday afternoon - 5
How soon my liver is going to reject me - day after tomorrow
Cheesy 80s movie watched while in the throws of above fever - The Pirate Movie
Number of times I wanted the fever to kill me during said movie - 200
Number of blogs read - 0
Number of Gene Simmons/KISS related blog posts written as promised for today - 0
Hope I'm back on my game soon. I'll let you know!
Darlin', I hope you're feeling much better soon! (((HUGS)))
Peace - D
You should bring out the leeches. I think you need to be bled for a while. That'll cure ya!
Oh, boy. I'm afraid to leave a comment for fear of catching it!
Hope you feel better soon!
Keep your sickness down in Georgia. We don't need none of that stuff in WV. And don't sneeze on my T-Shirt either!
Avitable - I don't know this for a fact, but I would be willing to bet that she bleeds for a few days every month already. More than that is pushing it. :)
Hope you get to feeling better!
You need rum! Or is it bourbon? Vodka!
I'm finally feeling better from the head cold you think I caught over here. I hope you're feeling better soon.
'The Pirate Movie'? Yeah, you're really sick!
I sawa the Pirate Movie a coule weeks ago - cracked me up!!
Hope you're feeling better.
Oh god that really sucks! I am so sorry, hon! At least you got to watch the cheesy movie. That is always a cure-all. Hugs.
OMG, what channel was The Pirate Movie on?! I had forgotten all about that one...
I hope everyone is healthy soon!
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