18 November 2008

I've Got A Hankering

I want, I need, I absolutely must have

... chocolate that doesn't adversely affect my pancreas OR my thighs.

... kids who will stay well and cold-free for the holidays.

... a government that doesn't bail out car companies and unions after just bailing out banks and mortgage companies that turned around with said money and paid out executive bonuses.

... an electrocution device hooked to every computer that fries spammers.

... a cure for the common cold.

... a Supreme Court ruling stating that all, state-mandated, filed-by-the-county marriages, performed in front of a minister/rabbi/imam/etc. or a justice of the peace, are legal and will be upheld in all U.S. courts of law, regardless of whether they are between consenting adult heterosexuals OR consenting adult homosexuals, just as long as the paperwork is properly filled out and wedding cake has been served.

... a meeting with the "real" housewives of Atlanta so that I can bitch-slap all five of them.

... toys that put themselves away.

... a night off so that Ty-man and I can go see Quantum of Solace so that Ty-man can see the Star Trek trailer and quit whining already!*

... tea with The Queen. Or Helen Mirren. They're interchangeable, right?

* Well, he's not really whining. But there's a lot of pitiful looks and hopping from one foot to another. Sort of like the pee pee dance but more like he needs to get his geek on rather than his urine out.


HEATHER said...

a Supreme Court ruling stating that all, state-mandated, filed-by-the-county marriages, performed in front of a minister/rabbi/imam/etc. or a justice of the peace, are legal and will be upheld in all U.S. courts of law, regardless of whether they are between consenting adult heterosexuals OR consenting adult homosexuals, just as long as the paperwork is properly filled out and wedding cake has been served.
I'm so with you on this one!!
You know cake is the most important part! ;-)

A Free Man said...

Why on earth would you want to have tea with the Queen?

Avitable said...

My theater didn't show that trailer or the one for Watchmen, which pissed me off.

However, the Paramount Star Trek site has the trailer available online now too.

Trukindog said...

"... a government that doesn't bail out car companies and unions after just bailing out banks and mortgage companies that turned around with said money and paid out executive bonuses."

Keep dreamin darlin, I'm bettin it's only gonna get worse.

Anonymous said...

...2 more awake hours each day without taking from sleep time
...kids who will stay in their own damn beds all night long
...a dog who will stop sleeping with his ass on my pillow
...a chef to cook warm, healthy family meals each night

Expat No. 3699 said...

"an electrocution device hooked to every computer that fries spammers."

And, a device on Yahoo that can tell the difference between spam and legitimate email addresses

Half of my legitimate emails end up in my spam file.

Gypsy said...

I could get on board with so many of these, especially the marriage one. Especially.

Anonymous said...

Sign me up for all of these. And sign the one for chocolate twice.

kaila said...

"Sort of like the pee pee dance but rather the need to get his geek on."
OMG that made me laugh. My guy just realized and succombed to the fact that he is a geek when the pimple faced gamer kids new him by name at GameStop. He is 42 yrs. old it's about time he figured it out.

Oh, and I want my cat back.

sybil law said...

I would like to join your cause on nearly all of these.
I have a hankerin' for a hunk o' cheese.
(That would be a line from the School house Rock days on tv. Damn I'm old!)