I miss your laugh.
I miss your mad refrigerator-cleaning skills.
I miss your funky sense of humor.
I miss your sixth sense.
I miss your hugs.
I miss you checking in on me twenty times a night.
I miss our chocolate pig-outs.
I miss those free oil changes.
I. Miss. You.
Love you, Dad. It's been 11 years too long.
Aww, that's very sweet, Heather.
Oh, Heather.
I can see the stories you've told about your dad in his eyes - the mischief, etc. I hope I can tell stories about my dad as eloquently someday.
Please tell me it gets better with time...
I'm positively blubbering over here. I'm going to make sure I hug my dad's neck extra tight next time I see him.
I'm sure he's looking down on you with a big, proud smile.
I'm so sorry he's not with you. What fabulous things about a soul to miss. He seems a lot like my Dad, who left 21 years ago.
You've left me speechless, which is difficult to do...
I dread the day when I can write messages like this. You seem too young for such.
Wonderful post. You have great memories.
Ah, sweetie.
Love yew.
Love you!
Heather, that's a great picture! You look so happy!
Sorry about your dad. I can't imagine that loss and I'm sure 11 years doesn't make it any easier.
I hope thinking about him is comforting to you.
Hugs...it's great you have such wonderful memories of him.
Sending you love and hugs, hon. I know nothing we say makes it better. Just know we love you.
That's a beautiful testament to your Dad. I think I better call mine...
Everybody - Thanks for the wonderful comments. The hole left behind from his passing is still there and always will be. The edges just get a little less jagged with each passing year.
I know the feeling. 9 years for me went by on Feb 5th.
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