I love my father-in-law (a.k.a. Chuck). Truly. We're both physicists, we laugh at the same jokes, and we share similar opinions.
But the man needs to quit bringing raisins into my house.
When Chuck found out that I disliked raisins, grits, and fried okra, he rolled his eyes, shook his head, and mumbled under his breath. He then proceeded to sneak raisins into muffins, waffles, cookies. No food was safe.
And now, he's brainwashing my children. He and my mother-in-law took care of the kids Wednesday night and I came home to find the above Raisinets on the kitchen counter. OK, fine, the kids were safe and sound, fed and asleep, the toys were cleaned up, and the dishes were washed.
The man has gone too far. This is war.
Chuck, there's a plate of sugar-coated green tomatoes, fried in bacon grease, waiting on my kitchen counter for you.
Love, Me
I absolutely despise raisins! Even chocolate covering can not tempt me!
As for okra, I love it, and I love garlic cheese grits but not plain.
I will take them and eat them all, nomnomnom! I love Raisinettes! Ahem.
Down with Raisinettes!
I love Raisinettes. Okra, not so much. I don't eat "South" very well - y'all call some strange stuff 'food'.
You're a physicist? Why did I not know that?
Send them to me! Yum!!!
Also love fried green tomatoes. Yum yum!
gawd, i LOVE raisinettes!!! mmmmm...Fried Green maters are good in bacon grease too, minus the chocolate covering, of course.
Oh man. How I wish I were your neighbor. You could toss those boxes over the fence ANYTIME :)
Ow! I hit my head passing out when you said you HATE RAISINETTES!!!
Whatsa wrong witchu girl??
I like raisins, just not like that. Don't mind if they're in some dish but just having raisins... nah...
Send them my way...I'll gladly dispose of them all for you ;)
Bacon fried green tomatos though...that's just ew.
I think I like your father-in-law. I'm employing this strategy into my own life. My husband will be so happy to get raisinettes for his birthday this year.
You want my address? You can mail the raisinettes to me. I don't love raisins, but I'll eat 'em covered in chocolate. Or as Raisin Bran cereal.
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