Standing there, just as proud as he could be in his khakis and blue school shirt, he didn't look like a two-year-old. He looked like a little man, as if he would start talking about amortization schedules, or abstract algebra, or constitutional law. Instead, he jabbered on about his blue truck, which surprised the heck out of me.
We reminded Miss-Miss and Bubba that that first day would be difficult for J-man, that they would need to comfort him, let him know he was not alone, and to hug him if he cried. After breakfast, Bubba grabbed J-man in a bear hug and shouted* I'm gonna take care of J-man 'cause he's my wittle bruver!

Tears, people. Big, fat, slurpy crocodile tears.
There were a few last-minute instructions, such as Don't forget your gloves are in your pockets. and Your red folder is in your backpack. and Be nice to your schoolmates. Don't take things from them. I was just jabbering to keep the tears at bay.

Time for one last pose.

Independent, no one holding his hand, my little boy walked into his first day at school...

... where he met a Montessori teacher who loves all her kids more than life itself.

I cried tears of sadness for time quickly passed and tears of pride for raising such a wonderful little boy. My mornings alone with him will be missed, but I know we're on our way to something greater with this first small step.
Now, what the heck am I going to do for four hours every morning?**
*Bless his heart, Bubba has no volume control.
**BTW, he did wonderfully, crying only twice, impressing Miss Denise with his knowledge of many Montessori skills. Yup, proud Mama.
What a CUTIE! Congrats on raising three independent little people!
I SO wish we had a Montessori closer to our house...contracted as an SLP in one 2 years ago and loved the philosophy - it's just way too far for us to take the kiddo :(
Yay for J-Man!
Awwww, cuuuuties!
"Proud mama" - and well you should be.
Your kids are awesome (no surprise there)!
Adn really, what *wouldn't* you do with four hours every morning?
Too soon! Eeeeeeek! Wow, you guys are so amazing. What fabulous kids you people are making out there.
Ow! My uterus hurts. From the cuteness, doncha know.
Congrats to the J-man and to Mom, too.
So frigging cute!!!!
Yay! Once the newness wears off, I'm sure you'll settle into a little ALONE time :):)
OMG! How sweet!
My 'tots' are men and Babygirl goes away to college in September. I'd give anything to send them off to school together again!!
n'awww. they grow up too fast, ya?
Little man is right. Pass the tissues. And don't blink, because that kid will be crossing 113th Street in New York City on the way to class at Columbia University. Wahhhhhhhhhh.
That is so awesome! Glad it went to well for ALL of you. And, I think drinking coffee and blogging for four hours is perfectly acceptable behaviour.
Good on him and good on you, half a day of quiet. Enjoy!
Oh, what a big day for you all! I still remember all those emotions on the first day. I was weepy all morning!
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