All the women in my family have endometriosis (in fact, my aunt was unable to have children because of it) and I have been cursed with it as well. In addition, I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) which caused infertility. I went to see Dr. Ceana Nezhat (at the recommendation of a friend) and he not only diagnosed my PCOS, he performed the surgery that got me on the right track to removing my ovarian cysts, the endometriosis, and reversing my infertility. It's because of his work that I have my three beautiful children. So, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!
Again, thanks hon, for my very first blog award, and I'm so very proud to graciously accept it! If you would like to see more about the award and my story, click on the award graphic above. And, by accepting it, it is now my job to pass it along to another worthy woman who has gone under the knife but cannot be kept down by her endometriosis. Here you go, Vonda! I love ya, doll and that sweet little Ella Rose is an absolute miracle!
When you say you guys will be "hooking up" does that mean you will be making out?
Never mind. In my head you already are.
Oh, yeah, Fab! There'll be skimpy lingerie, lots of baby oil, a pillow fight, and other naughtiness going on. Well, not really, but you just keep telling yourself that! LMAO!
Heather, thanks for the award! Aren't we so blessed that we have all these babies!!! Who would have thought!!! Love ya -V
Glad you like your award! Leave it to a man to interpret waaaaaay too much into the "hooking up" thing! LMAO
prying - Was your testosterone level higher than it should have been when you were first diagnosed with PCOS and were you diagnosed as insulin resiistant?
I was just re-diagnosed this week and those two symptoms seem to be the defining moments in a serious of blood labs.
i meant resistance
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