First of all, there's Jayna over at My Longest Year. I've been reading her blog since I found the joy of blogging in August of last year. See, Jayna's husband is in Iraq on a 15-month deployment and Jayna is raising their daughter E on her own, for the moment. Once he gets home, I figure Jayna will be MIA from the blogverse for a while (understandable), but she's got a great blog, a great story, and great heart. Thanks hon for my blog buddies award! I love visiting your corner each day.
And Military Mom "Less Than 3" me! (FYI - and I had to look this up, <3 is the IM way of expressing a heart, so she loves me!). What can I say about Military Mom? She's a mom, in the military, who runs, has a Wonderdad for a hubby, and is funny! Love, love, lurv her!

So, now, to pass these babies on...
I read this stay-at-home dad blog. House Dad Chronicals. Damn, he makes me laugh every time I read him! And? He's a dead-ringer for DJ Lance from a psychedelic kids' show on Noggin called Yo Gabba Gabba! Terance, you are my Blog Buddy and I pass on to you the Blog Buddy Award!
And I send off the Less Than Three Award to Poetic License. Girlfriend has been going through some horrible medical stuff lately and, on top of that, she's a great writer and expresses herself wonderfully. Here you are, Momma! Love you!
I read this stay-at-home dad blog. House Dad Chronicals. Damn, he makes me laugh every time I read him! And? He's a dead-ringer for DJ Lance from a psychedelic kids' show on Noggin called Yo Gabba Gabba! Terance, you are my Blog Buddy and I pass on to you the Blog Buddy Award!
And I send off the Less Than Three Award to Poetic License. Girlfriend has been going through some horrible medical stuff lately and, on top of that, she's a great writer and expresses herself wonderfully. Here you are, Momma! Love you!
I'm feelin' the love, too, girlfriend. I feel so honored that you gave me the <3 award! You make me laugh so often that you are my official blog of cheer. Your wry wit and astute sense of the world combine to make this a great place to hang out and drink coffee. Sometimes I laugh so hard it comes out my nose.
Very lady-like.
Peace - D
Hooray for Blog Buddies! This is the first time anybody has given me an award ME! I don't even have anything prepared! (Unravels crumpled notebook paper from coffee-stained robe) ahem "To all involved with this project, there were many ups and downs, but we persevered to the end. Thanks everyone for a great first 8 months, and we look forward to another great 8!" (The sound of muffled applause as I walk off the stage.)
Thanks girl! I will be displaying that badge proudly on my home page.
Awe Heather, stop it, you make me blush... I lurve you too sweetie! I look forward to reading your blog everyday, and you never dissapoint!
Wow...for someone who has been blogging for twenty minutes, you are really racking up the hardware! LOL
Momma - Dang, girl. *Sniff* I'm gonna cry and ruin my moisturizer! *Sniff!*
Terancedubya - Excellent speech! Bravo! Bravo! Encore!
Military Mom - And, I hope to be here almost everyday!
Fab - Hey! 'Scuse me! 25 minutes, thank you very much! :-)
Yet you never posted the drawing I sent you as a prize . . .
So sad.
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