A round of imaginary, blogger drinks for all of ya!
(Fab wants the buttery nipple, here Avi, here's your Diet Coke. Cosmo? Britt? Right here. Here's your margarita, Momma. You, too, NATUI! I think Gypsy wants some sex on the beach. And Teri was whining about a lite beer. Anyone else? Betsey? Passin' out free imaginary blogging drinks here!)
I subscribe! Can I get a Jager shot??
Wait? Why are you touched? Did I touch you? In your no-no place?
I'm number 3 on that list I think. YAY!
I didn't know anyone else knew what a buttery nipple was! I should have known!
Did someone say sex? ;)
nipples and sex, I'm curious to know what kinda google search is gonna send all kinds of crazies your way now
(((hugs}}} You deserve all the love, girly! You have a great, entertaining and twisted little blog here. Glad I found you through NATUI!
Peace - D
Well, I'm not a subscriber, but a new visitor ... dunno how you do the subscribe thingy *shrugs*
I've had buttery nipples, sex on the beaches AND orgasms. All YuMMaY! ;0)
Glad to have found you through .. um. I don't remember how I found you! I just know I bookmarked you straight away!
P.S. I was ROFLMAO ... crying even ... with the "trimming the crepe myrtle" post! OMG!!!
I'd like a margarita...or perhaps some sangria.
FYI, I had to bookmark you instead of subscribing to your RSS. I've been using Firefox and your site doesn't give that option.
You're not surprised, are you?
Uber-geeky, sexy bloggers who steal other people's food are in damn short supply.
We love ya!
Dave2 - The Jager is all yours baby! Just get Avi to drive you home...
Avitable - No, it was Fab.
Britt - Woo hoo!
NATUI - Oh, buttery nipples are yummy!
Gypsy - No, not that kind of sex! :-)
Donna - Lord only knows. Considering they've been here looking for a cat's clitoris..
Momma - Thanks, hon!
Melissa - Glad you stopped by and are going to hang around. Even amongst all the pube trimming...
MommyCosm - Honey, you can have both after the winter you've had! Hmmmm, friggin' Firefox...
Fab - Thanks *sniff* hon. Can I blow my nose on your bald head? Whew. Thanks!
Mmmm, beer. But why am I whining?!
Teri - I don't know. I just thought I'd have you whining. Demanding? Bitching? Screaming? Any of those more in tune with your tone? :-)
Drinks? Did I hear drinks? Sign me up for a Mich Ultra in a frosty mug, unless we're being civil and then I'll go for a glass of Bogle Petite Sirah!
Betsey - Oh, please. No civility here! Mich Ultra it is!
i subscribe--I'm just overwhelmed at the moment!
Turnbaby - Well, then hon, get on over here and let me know what you want! :-) I understand being overwhelmed...
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