There's just something unsettling about this number of mine, this number that will be attached to me for the next year like toddler snot stuck to my corduroys. I like symmetry and in being a big fan of even numbers, 37 is so blatantly odd that it's prime. And that freaks me out.
And it's also the first number that the Ty-man has expressed trepidation over regarding his age. And, I've got to tell you, when the Ty-man gets squirrely, I get nervous.
Up to now, the numbers representing my age have never given me pause. There's been the usual I'm 16! Let's total the car! I'm 18! Let's elect a President! I'm 21! Let's get trashed! Other than those milestones, I'm just typically Meh about the whole thing. It's just a number, for Chrissakes. Right?
But this number? Is turning my muscles into whimpy pieces of shit that now take three days to recover from over-exertion rather than two. It's a number that's stealing IQ points one by one. It's a number that's making me frown at teenagers and nod at my mother. And it's a number that until a few days ago was just a number and not an age.
Most of my adult years, I've walked around thinking, Dude, there's no way I'm 22/30/37. I remember 22/30/37-year-olds when I was a kid and they didn't act the way I'm acting now. They acted like grown-ups. I'm not a grown-up! and I wonder where the heck the last 37 years have gone. Seriously! Somebody tell me that the 1972 on my birth certificate is just a joke because it doesn't feel like it's been that long to me. And I look at the average life-expectancy for American women and have a hard time believing that in just three short years, I will be at the half-way mark.
Now that I've totally depressed myself, I realize that with these 37 years has come knowledge. I've learned from my vast mistakes. I've learned that children require infinite quantities of patience. I've learned that I'm not perfect, never will be, and need to get over it. I've learned that the universe doesn't revolve around me (and that's a good thing!).
And I've learned about love. In it's many forms. And that that is more important than anything else.
So, Happy Birthday To Me! Here's to more wisdom, more fun, more patience, and less acting like my age!
Care to join?
*Yes, I know. There's a blog that uses this as it's title. I can't help it if she saw into the future and stole the title of this post for her blog. Some people...
Happy birthday to you! I've NEVER beleived in acting my age, and will fully support you in any age-inapropriate actions or events you wish to partake in!
Happy birthday! Keep an eye on the mail.
i'm 37. and i love it. even though it truly is just a number. keep on being you and you will be just fine!
happy, happy day. there are a lot of people who are incredibly thankful that you were born.
p.s. a few of my aunts say women are never more beautiful than when they are in their 30's and 40's. i don't agree. they are both in their 60's and are simply stunning.
Well MY birth certificate says 1971, so I am already 37, and even closer to 40 than you!
Thanks for making me feel all old an decrepit!
Haha- just kidding. I am incredibly tired today, but otherwise, I don't feel a day over... 30. :)
Happy Birthday! Have a lovely day, play the lottery, get laid, whatever - you're not old!! You're beautiful! (And I LOVE that pic!!)
Wow...I have 10 years on you and now I feel r-e-a-l-l-y old. Thanks...I think.
Have a wonderful birthday! Love, D
You just have to find ways to express 37.
I like to say I'm in my prime. ;-)
Well, I guess it show that you really start to forget stuff when you turn 37.
In the previous comment, I totally forgot to say:
Happy Birthday Heather!!!
(If anyone asks, I did this on purpose, m'kay?)
Happy Birthday Heather!
Only 28 more years until your next milestone... the Social Security check!!! Woo-hoo!!!
Happy Birthday darlin, lifes to short to worry about countin em just enjoy em.
Happy Birthday!
My oldest turned 26 on Jan 31st, my daughter (the baby) turned 22 yesterday, my middle one, he turns 25 on the 14th and fourty FIVE is coming up on my plate (Aug)!! Yea ... gettin old here! LOL
I think back, and I remember when my mom was my age and wonder ... did she think like I do? I don't remember her acting like I do. I mean, it seems like she was more *mature*, for lack of a better word. More nonsensical, I guess. I dunno. I guess it's because she'll always be 21 years *older* than me, that no matter, when I reach an age, she once was, I'll always see it differently?
Did that even make any sense? Hm. LOL
I've never had any issues with my age though. I'm quite proud of my age. I don't hide it or lie about it. I'm thrilled that I've made it this far! There were times that I was unsure that I would!
Anyways, I hope you have a SUPERIFFIC day!!!
Happy Birthday!! You don't look a day over 27.
And, hell, Joan Didion had it before Slouching Mom, so you're safe.
Hippo Buttday!
You're not old until you're 38.
Damn it--MM took my comment!
I'm turning FIFTY this year --that's only 13 years away for you now sugar*giggling*
Age schmage--just be yourself and find the joy in everything. That number won't matter then.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! i hope your day is filled with everything you wish it to be filled with.
Happiest of birthdays Heather - may your day be filled with love and joy!
Hope you have a very special B-day! Celebrate like there is no tomorrow. And remember this, if you think 37 is a bit scary, wait till you are contemplating your next age increase, knowing it will say 65!
Ah, but it's all good.
Like Doris of River Poet, I'm also 10 years older than you. Just wait until your children's ages start to bother you. My son will turn 30 this year, Ouch!
Anyhoo, I hope you have an absolutely wonderful birthday.
Really, death is truly right around the corner. And I'm all for not acting my age. And I'm 37 + 10.
There are a lot of 37 year olds here....me too. :)
Every 7 birthday freaks me out 27, 37, 47 and now I am staring down the barrel of 50 kinda wishing I was 47 again. Huh...
Happy Birthday! I'll have an extra chocolate ice cream cone cupcake with homemade chocolate buttercream frosting for you tomorrow...
And I've been dreading the late
30's for a looooong time. Time for a mid-life crisis, I guess! Bring on the hot pool boys! Or maybe a hot carpenter!
Wow, I hope you got that birthday cake again this year! That thing is amazing! Happy Birthday :)
Well, you are a crazy good writer, so I'm glad I tracked some crumbs through the forest to get here.
When I was 33, we bought a rocking chair (I was pregnant and had visions of nursing a tired baby; little did I know my baby would never be tired), which cost about $400. Since every other piece of furniture in the house had been a hand-me-down or garage sale find, I was sure the purchase signified my entrance to adulthood.
Then some screws on the chair fell out, and ever since it screeches like a banshee, and I think that sums up my efforts at being an adult better than anything else.
Happy Birthday! I'm right there with you on the 37, it's a weird one. We can't really say mid-30s anymore and that big 4-0 is staring us right down. I still find that it's getting better as I get older, though. Wonder when that stops?
Happy Birthday!
Isn't it sad when the best birthday gift you can think of is a babysitter....so YOU can get in a nap? Yes, my dear, we're moms and we're OLD! And, like you, I still feel like I felt 17 years ago when I was 'doing it' on the drill field...
I'm 43 & my Dad is Frank also.
I think 50 is a big deal, 40 not so much. I bought myself nice things and was done with it. I also had a lot of sex right around that time, but I digress. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ~Mary
Happy Birthday, woman!! This post was spot on. Hubbie and I were just talking the other night how we feel like we are still in our mid-twenties. What the hell happened? Hope you had a great day, today, and that you got lots of sweet artwork from the kiddos.
37 is so the hippest. Seriously!
There is something totally psychedelic about the age.
Happy Birthday!
Well, dearest Heather, I am so sorry I missed your big day! So Happy Belated Birthday dear lady!
Happy belated Birthday.
I'm 37 this year too (boo).
I'd like to find something uplifting to say about my/our age, but I'm just not that creative.
I look back on the 80's now and catch myself having fond thoughts about Maggie Thatcher and Reaganism.
There is no hope for me now.
Everybody - Thanks, all of you, for the wonderful comments! It was a great birthday, I'm not so freaked out about 37 any longer, and you are all awesome! Much love!
Just getting caught up with my reader...
Happy Belated Birthday :) Hope you had a great day.
I'll be 36 next month...not too far behind you!
Happy Be-lated Birthday ... sorry I sorta missed it.
Oh, and what's this you have against 3? I love 3. 3,5, and 8 - which is an odd assortment of numbers, I know, but there it is just the same!
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