Oh, Christ, who'm I kidding? It was a frakking refrigerator and we were giddy to have the chance to upgrade. Observe:

Samsung. 29 cubic feet. Let me say that again. Twenty. nine. cubic. feet. of storage. For milk. Frozen pizzas. Yogurt. CDC biological experiments that will someday cure cancer/HIV/the common cold/reality TV and not at all resembling liquid lettuce. Twenty-nine cubic feet of glory. Plus? Check out the numbered red circles:
1. Albert Einstein. Physicist. Genius. Fridge God.
2. Miss Britt people. Miss frakking Britt! On my fridge! Giving me the stink-eye every time I reach in for the left over Girl Scout cookies/birthday cake/ice cream. She's a goddess.
3. My bare feet. Don't stare too long or you might run screaming.
And remember that saying idle hands are the devil's workshop? Yeah. How 'bout A blank fridge is Satan's food storage. I believe that a lack of magnets is the work of Beelzebub.
The best part about the 29-cubic-feet of awesomeness now squatting in my kitchen?
The light. On the inside. It's not just white, it's like bluish-white. A heavenly salvation-white. And it doesn't just turn on. It's like a fade-on, getting brighter as the doors open. Check it.
It's the fridge built by Greys. And it's all mine. Quit drooling.
Dang. We wouldn't even be able to get a fridge that big in the space we have...stupid builders put the cupboards just a wee bit too low for any of the big'uns.
Enjoy the behemoth!
Heh... your second toe is longer than your big toe. Wait. What? We're talking about a fridge?
So, according to my calculations, I have about 4 more years left with my fridge?
Green with envy.
Oh, and Joe: the whole second toe bigger than big toe thing? A sign of intelligence. Or royal blood. Or so I've been told by people trying to make me feel better about my own big second toes.
LOL. No worries, I suffer from the same "long second toe" affliction. Maybe we should start a club. The Royal Toes Club. I like it.
See, I always see Britt's magnet as smiling down on me, encouraging me to eat ice cream.
I have a Coal Miner's Daughter magnet on the lamp shade next to the bed.. LM (Love Muffin) made me move it to the OTHER SIDE of the lamp shade - the side AWAY from the bed. Sorry.
I would have to bow and worship to such a glow as that.
I have fridge envy. Wow.
Light that pretty would make me forget why I opened the fridge in the first place. There I'd be found, hours later, drooling and muttering about aliens keeping my cheese fresher longer.
I want a fridge like that - but compact enough to fit UNDER my kitchen counter.
If it's wrong for me to be envious of your fridge, I don't wanna be right!
LOL, I too, see Miss Britt! She's such a cutie patooty!
Your new beauty of a fridge makes me want to touch myself.
totally coveting your new frigid air. gorgeous! (yes, a fridge can be gorgeous.)
also? i collect magnets and have one with the same exact picture of of my boyfriend bert. (you have to call him "albert einstein" because clearly you don't know him like i know him.)
That is almost identical to the one Hubbie's parents have in Sweden. He is going to be so jealous.
Holy Icebox, Batman!
I have Britt on my frig, too. She's always telling me to read her blog and my other friends' blogs and that I should stop working so late. I like to get back at her by rubbing her black and white picture on my balls.
Now that's a fridge! Yea...now go and stock it up with Blue Bell ice cream! I know you're cringing right now with that statement! ;)
We just got the same fridge (but with an inside water dispenser..)!
Found your blog via Sybil, who reads mine.
I'm feeling very covetous.
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