14 August 2009

Terrible Twos

So, yeah. This blog is two years old. I guess it's time for the temper tantrums, right? Do I really have to be potty-trained? Because these diapers are pretty friggin' awesome.

Would this whole blogiversary who-ha be easier to swallow if I told you there's a contest? And the winner would get a Georgia* swag bag? You'd like that, wouldn't you? Of course you would.

This past Christmas, the Ty-man (a.k.a. George Lucas's and Harrison Ford's love child) got this book from Santa:

You all know this is a Star Wars family, so I'm going to ask ten random questions from this book (only from the original trilogy, 'cause I'm old school that way). Based on how many questions you get right, that's how many times I'll put your name in the Randomizer and we'll see which name pops out as the lucky winner! Ya'll, I'm telling you right now, this shit is hard. Like, I go into the bathroom to take care of business and it's so rare I get an answer right that I've given up even touching this damned book. I just pee and go. The Ty-man, on the other hand, is all over this book. I'll hear him in there and I hear the book choosing a question and I hear Ty push A, B, C, or D and I hear DingDingDingDing!!! all. the. frakking. time. That's why he's disqualified from this contest.

Are you guys ready? You have until Monday night, 11:59PM, to comment here with your answers. Now, no cheating! No looking at the comments of others! Here we go:

1) Empire Strikes Back - To what did General Rieekan order all power in Echo Base rerouted?
A. The ion cannon
B. The energy shield
C. The medical facility
D. The hanger bay

2) A New Hope - What was M'iiyoom Onith's species?
A. Kubaz
B. Quor'sav
C. H'memthe
D. Saurin

3) Return of the Jedi - Whose fugitive parents were killed by Rodian bounty hunters when he was ten years old?
A. Greedo
B. Bossk
C. Doda Bodonawieedo
D. Max Rebo

4) A New Hope - Who served as a test pilot on various TIE prototype ships?
A. Captain Khurgee
B. Captain Yorr
C. Colonel Yularen
D. Colonel Kilb

5) Empire Strikes Back - To what phrase did C-3PO reply, "How rude!"?
A. "Tee chuta hhat yudd!"
B. "E chu ta!"
C. "Lana!"
D. "Paploo!"

6) A New Hope - Where did C-3PO tell the stormtroopers the "madmen" were headed?
A. To the hangar bay.
B. To the prison level
C. To the tractor beam
D. To maintenance

7) Empire Strikes Back - How many medium blaster cannons is an AT-AT fitted with?
A. Two
B. Four
C. Eight
D. Six

8) A New Hope - What was Beru Lars' homeworld?
A. Ator
B. Coruscant
C. Tatooine
D. Dantooine

9) Return of the Jedi - Which company manufactured the escort frigate used by the Rebellion?
A. Incom Corporation
B. Kuat Drive Yards
C. Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc.
D. Corellian Engineering Corporation

10) Return of the Jedi - What is the uppermost spire of the tower at Jabba the Hutt's palace?
A. A landing pad
B. A communications dome
C. A prison
D. An observation deck

Good luck everybody!

*Not UGA stuff. Georgia stuff. Like Vidalia onion salad dressing or something. Big on the something.


Jessica said...

congrats on 2 years!!!

i stay stick with the diapers, you will be needing them again in like 88 years anyway.

Joe @ IrrationalDad said...

I love Star Wars, but gave up after the third question. Go ahead and put me down for "C" on each one.

Happy Blogiversary!!! I just turned one a few months ago and L.O.V.E. it.

Molly's Mom said...

Glad you've stuck around! :)

Adult diapers? Just think "Oops, I crapped my pants".

Avitable said...

1. B
2. C
3. D
4. B
5. B
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. B
10. B

Wow. These were hard! There are only one or two that I know I got right for sure.

That One said...

Ok. I have no clue what the answers are to any of these questions. So I'm going to do what any normal person would do: GUESS. Here goes:

1. a
2. d
3. d
4. c
5. a
6. b
7. b
8. d
9. a
10. d

Michael from dadcation.com said...


Wow...those are quite difficult, and I refuse to spend time on google (cheating), but I'll try.

1 b 6 a
2 a 7 b
3 a 8 c
4 a 9 a
5 b 10 d

Incidentally, #7 is the only one I feel good about.

Kevin said...

My first gut was to go Google, but I decided to just make a guess at them. I thought I was a Star Wars geek, but these questions just prove that I don't know jack...

1) Empire Strikes Back - To what did General Rieekan order all power in Echo Base rerouted?
B. The energy shield

2) A New Hope - What was M'iiyoom Onith's species?
C. H'memthe

3) Return of the Jedi - Whose fugitive parents were killed by Rodian bounty hunters when he was ten years old?
D. Max Rebo

4) A New Hope - Who served as a test pilot on various TIE prototype ships?
B. Captain Yorr

5) Empire Strikes Back - To what phrase did C-3PO reply, "How rude!"?
B. "E chu ta!"

6) A New Hope - Where did C-3PO tell the stormtroopers the "madmen" were headed?
B. To the prison level

7) Empire Strikes Back - How many medium blaster cannons is an AT-AT fitted with?
A. Two

8) A New Hope - What was Beru Lars' homeworld?
C. Tatooine

9) Return of the Jedi - Which company manufactured the escort frigate used by the Rebellion?
D. Corellian Engineering Corporation

10) Return of the Jedi - What is the uppermost spire of the tower at Jabba the Hutt's palace?
D. An observation deck

I'm sure I'm wrong on most of these. Congrats on your Blogiversary!

Patois42 said...

I'm doing this the SAT way: pretty pattern:

1. D
2. A
3. D
4. A
5. D
6. A
7. D
8. A
9. D
10. A

The added benefit is that, of course, I spell out Dada a couple of times. In honor of the Ty-man.

Ty-man said...

Yep, most of those questions were the hardest I've ever seen in the trivia book.

She could have just asked me for the questions, but that would have been too easy.

sybil law said...

Geez!! Make me feel stupid, why dontcha?! ;)
Here are my random guesses:
1. b
2. d
3. c
4. c
5. b
5. a
7. b
8. c
9. a
10. b
Happy Bogiversary!

Not Afraid to Use It said...

Dude, I'm not even going to try, but I can't wait to see who wins!

Ren said...

1. B
2. B
3. B
4. B
5. B
6. B
7. B
8. B
9. B
10. B

Chelsie said...


Those are all completely random guess, because holy cow those are hard questions.

Lynda said...

Woo! Star Wars quiz!

1) B
2) B
3) C
4) D
5) B
6) D
7) C
8) B
9) A
10) D

There are my best and worse guesses! Happy birthday!!

Unknown said...

I'm going to break out my Star Wars DVDs and re-watch. THEN I'll answer.

The Mother Tongue said...

oooh, I am such a Star Wars nerd (and every other kind of nerd, too). So here goes (and I promise, I didn't cheat):

1) B
2) A
3) C
4) C
5) B
6) A
7) B
8) C
9) D
10) B

The Mother Tongue said...

Also: You are a total sadist of a quizmistress. My god, that was horrible. I can only think of two I know I got right.

Halala Mama said...

No cheating? Ahh well then.... I'm out. :)

Miss Britt said...

I choose C for everything.

But really I just want to say congratulations on 2 years. :-)

Anonymous said...

B, A, B, C, B, B, D, C, D.

Those are my husband's guesses. Even as a man who loves Star Wars he said, "Wow, I don't think I'm at that level." Ha ha.

Happy Blogiversary!

metalmom said...


Why do I feel like telling you to 'blow me'? I totally had to guess EVER SINGLE ONE!!

marty said...

Inasmuch as I am one of the few people on earth who has not seen a Star Wars movie (unless Spaceballs counts), there is no way I can win.

And even, if I did win, what would I do with the prize?

Merrily Down the Stream said...

I am afraid I retained nothing of the Star Wars stuff and franky that s fine with me (oh, blashpheme!) Happy Anniversary!

hello haha narf said...

holy fuck, those are difficult!
imma just say happy two years blogging and duck before i show how much i didn't pay attention the brazillion times i watched those movies. sheesh...

hello haha narf said...

i'm back.
my answer is B to all of them.
(bound to get something right that way, right?)

A Free Man said...

Well, happy bloggiversary. Or blogday. Or whatever. Congrats.

I would like to win a bag of UGa swag, but that's not what's on offer here. I wouldn't mind a bag of Georgia swag either, but I don't know any of the answers! I thought I knew Star Wars but clearly I don't know shit. I'm going to go watch A New Hope again now.

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

Everyone - Thanks for the well-wishes and for participating in the trivia! You're all awesome for reading and I appreciate it every day. You all keep me sane and grounded. You let me know I'm not the only quirky adult in the world with something to say. And I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Much love. :)